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Кличева Ольга Николаевна2554
Россия, Ставропольский край, х.Дыдымкин
Материал размещён в группе «Урок английского (English lesson)»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 5 класса по теме "Досуг и Увлечения"

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе

по теме «Досуг и увлечения»

Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Started (NS).

My name is Ivan; my nick in the Internet is “bike” because my favourite hobby is riding a bike. I love riding my bike. I can see parks and ponds or rivers and fields when I am in the country! My elder brother Alex is fond of photography. He takes pictures of everything he sees. He also plays the guitar and sings songs. I like being with him. My little sister Olga likes dolls, of course. Shes got a big collection. Some of them are from foreign countries. Our dad is a real sportsman. He plays football and likes swimming. He swims all the year round, in the river, in the sea or in the swimming pool. Mum prefers classical music and interesting books. She can play the piano. Our cat Vasily also has a hobby, he likes sleeping and eating! In the evening we like getting together, talking and listening to some music.

Ivan is fond of nature. ______

Ivan knows his neighbourhood very well as he often rides his bike. ______

Vasily plays the guitar and sings pop songs. ______

The mother plays classical music. ______

Olga is Ivans elder sister, she has no hobbies. ______

The father does sport. ______

Alex is good at photography and takes part in exhibitions. _____

All the members of the family are busy and they dont often spend evenings together. _______

Fill in the gaps with the missing words from the box, one word is extra.

present, got, bike, weekend, often, that, Hi

Hi, Anna!

________, Tom! Is ________ your new bike?

No, thats my brothers. Ive _________ a new skateboard.

Wow, its fantastic. Is it your fathers ____________?

Yes, it is.

I like skateboarding too. Do you ________ go skateboarding?

Every Sunday. Join me next _____________.

Id love too.

Match the words with the two columns.

music a) the guitar

play b) diary

speak c) baby

computer d) person

make e) French

secret f) teacher

friendly g) cookies

sweet h) games


Match the sentences with the correct verb forms: Present Simple, Future Simple, Past Simple.

1. I go to bed at ten every day. - ________________________

2. I didn’t go to the country last summer. - _______________________

3. Will you watch TV tomorrow? - __________________________

4. She goes to school every day. - ___________________________

5. Yesterday my brother saw a new car. - ________________________

6. I’ll spend next summer abroad. - __________________________

7. My mother cooked a tasty dinner last Sunday. - _____________________

8. We usually write long letters. - ___________________________

Опубликовано в группе «Урок английского (English lesson)»

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